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Thread 582 from /m/.
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Sweet Astra 1
173949427733.jpg [S] ( 260.97KB , 1152x1728 , astra-001-002.jpg )
582 Sweet Astra 1

/#/ 582 []

Here you go people Heres Sweet Astra model 1 as there where 2 of them

sets 1-121 astra 1 (see pic) <gofile folder.

password for archive : silverfox

>> Anonymous /#/ 583 [X]
173949436335.jpg [S] ( 535.85KB , 1824x2736 , astra-144-002.jpg )
same folder you'll find 2 archives
name Astra 2 this is the 2nd model (see pic)

same password: silverfox

enjoy. uploaded for someone else.

>> Anonymous /#/ 584 [X]
Finally someone who understood the assignment of choosing a proper host.

Many thanks!

>> Anonymous /#/ 588 [X]
THAT¨s the way to really share!!!...FREE!!!...THANKS a lot!!!

>> Anonymous /#/ 598 [X]
well i used Filedot. however they upgraded one of their drives and when they did a move lost some of the file i'd uploaded.
Bad news is they still show as being uploaded..
but when you the download click the link is says file not available.
I had a list which i had to downloa to find out which files where "deleted".. so i decided to use gofile..
some of the files on filedot are still available.. links have been posted by me on here.

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