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173129753250.jpg [S] ( 455.02KB , 1020x1536 , sugar-001-001-1...jpg )
220 TinyModel

/#/ 220 []

someone who could share the collection of this beautiful girl... TinyModel - Sugar 1.

>> Anonymous /#/ 511 [X]
give me a couple of hours.
theres 145 sets.. totalling,3.25gb

>> Anonymous /#/ 512 [X]
Here you go.. all sets that i promised..
took a bit longer
split the folder i had into 1gb folders.
then archived onto another HDD as i had no space left..
uploaded to GOFILE..

Heres the link.. each archive is separate
IE you dont have to download ALL before extracting. <4 files.

MD5summer to check the files after downloading.
copy everything..from # to the end. and save as sugar.md5 note: its actually SHA1.

# MD5 checksums generated by MD5summer (
# Generated 24/01/2025 16:35:24

0bd8f1bbcb77e1e7a280c2e2777706ebc0b50a40 *sugar1-set001-037.7z
9ec880d3400e71df9f339b5ea3148cf5e2fa7391 *sugar1-set038-079.7z
4f36d9e32aad0355bbfe67f084167d5d4db2f73d *sugar1-set080-131.7z
00097f1f6abdecd813b5c76b617fe62f6fd5e8ac *sugar1-set132-145.7z

>> Anonymous /#/ 513 [X]
try this again..
Sugar ALL sets

no password.

# MD5 checksums generated by MD5summer (
# Generated 24/01/2025 16:35:24

0bd8f1bbcb77e1e7a280c2e2777706ebc0b50a40 *sugar1-set001-037.7z
9ec880d3400e71df9f339b5ea3148cf5e2fa7391 *sugar1-set038-079.7z
4f36d9e32aad0355bbfe67f084167d5d4db2f73d *sugar1-set080-131.7z
00097f1f6abdecd813b5c76b617fe62f6fd5e8ac *sugar1-set132-145.7z

>> Anonymous /#/ 537 [X]
I waited a long time to get them... Thank you...

>> Anonymous /#/ 541 [X]
You got lucky..
today my 1.5tb drive decided to DIE..
just lost everything i downloaded since beginning of 2023
lost other models..Katrin and Casey from paradisebirds. games, movies.
also managed to lose 600gb from another drive..
due to CHKDSK.. and all those .chk files..
oh the irony.. including 3 backups of my master boot drive..

>> Anonymous /#/ 544 [X]
Nr 541

Sorry bro!!!...I very well know the frustrating feeling!!! my case, I´ve just lost 1 tb of material due to an external drive sudden crush!!!...I was trying to password it using Veracrypt......BE CAREFUL if you decide to do that!!!...patience!!!...cheers!!!

>> Anonymous /#/ 552 [X]
the 1.5tb drive that i thought i lost.. turned out to be a power issue..
however the 700gb loss.. due to rebooting.. and chkdsk on a 2tb drive..
Went out today and bought a 5tb drive to recover the 2tb drive.. as i didnt know which folders where 100%..
so in the process of recovering all files.
the software i choose.. LOL Stopped at 5gb..
so i switcehd to another..
then the drive disconnected itself..
had to keep open the new drive in explorer.
only done 12% so far as i type this.
O&O diskrecovery is the one that did 5gb.
it only found the files i already could see..
File Scvenger seems to be working better..

>> Anonymous /#/ 554 [X]
Sorry about your HD crash. I have been there too. If File Scavenger does not work out, you might try the file recovery program Recuva. I have used it with good results. Link to the free version:

Best of luck and thanks for all the outstanding posts.

>> Anonymous /#/ 560 [X]
already used File Scavenger, 0&0 Disk Recovery
the 2nd one took 3 days just to scan the drive,

2tb.. reocvered 2.33tb ? figure that 1 out.

2tb shows as 1 =actually 1.81tb
i dont know where the 1gb-3gb PDF files came from.. never had any that size.. so they are corrupt..
good job i bought a 5tb drive to do the recovery and not a 2tb i would hae run out of space.
i ended up with almost 600,000 0byte files.
00disk reocvery took 3 days to scan.. and almost crashed the computer
with the low memory even though i got 16gb installed.
2nd recovery.. i will look to see was RECUVVA will find..
i got about 100 flv files missing.. each was a movie.

>> Anonymous /#/ 561 [X]
just did a quick scan with Recuvva only found 600,000.. little short..

Deep Scan.. telling me 12hrs.
File scavenger just to give an idea minus the empty files.. was more than 2million

doing my head in.. i know the most of the .pdf files are corrupt.. solely based on size.. 3gb.
so they will need to be scanned with a file ripper.. to search the data within..

>> Anonymous /#/ 573 [X]
173914647053.jpg [S] ( 378.35KB , 1440x900 , 20250210001300.jpg )
i dont get what the hell is going on.
used File Scavenger and recoveryed 2.2tb from a 1.81tb drive?. Duplicates found so possible same data recovered twice..
did a Duplicate Cleaner scan on that 1st recovery folder to find those duplicates.
files which where duplicate where called UNKNOWN+6 digit number..
whilst doing that dupscan..
I ran Recuvva on the original hdd. took 2 days to scan 2tb..
0 files recovered at that time.. so READing the drive.
dupscan finished and i removed the duplicates.. checking them as i went
Recuvca Finished scanning..
I created a NEW folder on the 5tb drive. RECUVVA. and started the recovery to that folder.
after it finished recovering..
i again ran Duplicate cleaner to find duplicates between the FS <Filescavenger folder and Recuvva folder and found 0
Should have been at least 1.. huh?
anyway.. check the FS folder which was 2.2tb and now its only 89gb before running the dupscan it was between
FS and Recuvva it was 1.81tb
according to properties i have 3.64TB used and 920gb free.
and most of the folders in FS now have the word ERROR in by file explorer.
Pic to show what i'm actually talking about
left FileScavenger compared with the right Recuvva.
and yet Duplicate Cleaner says 0 dups? using SHA1

>> Anonymous /#/ 585 [X]
use photorec- better in cmd but also includes a graphical qt.
can recovery any file.
but you will lost tree folder order.
and tooks so long

>> Anonymous /#/ 591 [X]
Something similar happened to me using Lockdir (also a security tool), fortunately I managed to recover most of my files (luckily I found a tutorial to recover them) I only lost about 38GB the bad thing is that they were partly sets of Sikver-Stars and Silver-Starlets, these days they are somewhat difficult to find...

>> Anonymous /#/ 596 [X]
173980391368.jpg [S] ( 25.93KB , 785x109 , Snap2.jpg )
recuvva put over 1million files in 1 folder..

everytime i try to split the folder with FolderAXE it just says NOT RESPONDING
was going to use it to create folders containing 10,000 per folder.
really didnt want to have to do it manually.
even 300,000 per files is a pain.

As for photorec that would give me the same problem..
merging all the folders into 1.. with over 2million files on the 2tb drive.
see pic.
FS <File Scavenger.. tell you how many files.
Recuva how many it found. duplicates have been deleted from most of the folders in recuvva but deleting them cause me to RUN OUT OF MEMORY with 16gb installed..
1 folder UNBKNOWN was left the 1 with 1million files.
why duplicate cleaner was using 16gb i have no idea.. when deleting the files.

>> Anonymous /#/ 602 [X]
its hard to work with thousands files in a HDD due to ReadWrite speed (IO) and recovery also becomes so slow and unstable.

Easy way is try to make a cmd script, comand line or powershell to split your recovered files, in theory it wouldnt take a lot also it doesnt need much ram ussage. but, i suppouse you have tried it.

its better to put your -thousand recovered- files in a SSD drive do get max RW speeds, but... TBs ssd are expensive.

best way to recover "tousands of files" will be:

you need +2 plus extra drives, a mini guide:

-Check if first HDD that have "lost files" is safe, it wouldn't stop spins or read errors. fastest way, open a "HEX viewer" and scroll up and down, if not stops spins or fails HDD is safe, you will see lot of hex code, that means that bytes and files are present and readable. if you see lot of zeros or IO errors hummmm... damaged disk only a recovery service enterprise can do it, but, its expensive and dangerous to give information like that!.

-but if with hex viewer not fails, continue-

>> Anonymous /#/ 603 [X]
-Full Clone your 1st drive to bigger* size 2nd drive, a 1TB drive will took like +20hrs. at end, leave your first drive away and untouched.

-now you have a legit copy of 1st drive in a 2nd drive

-in a 3rd drive, recover files from 2nd drive:
reason to use a 2nd drive. it will be a copy of 1st drive without probability of faiulure of power loss or another phisical damage of your 1st hdd.

3rd drive can be a SSD to read fastest way files- in fact could better 2nd and 3rd SSD's but it becomes so f¿ng expensive

also your main OS drive is better to be a SSD.
a better way to recover, that is would have:

-Main Os drive (main drive) SDD to prevent stuck recover programs due to bigger DB
-Damaged files Drive (1st drive)
-2nd Drive - legit cloned of 1s drive
-3rd drive where you will and order recover your files

>> Anonymous /#/ 619 [X]
174088077425.jpg [S] ( 114.69KB , 737x473 , 20250302015456.jpg )
there is nothing actually wrong with the 2tb drive.. just the files being deleted/renamed by Chkdsk.. and overwriting other files..
Due to a power out and then a reboot saying
your windows was shut down properly.. and the chkdsk disk running.. and thinking it was just going to do its normal screen.. i let it run
Then when i checked back.. i saw it was saying deleting reference to file then a load of numbers. i assumed it was deleting info from the MFT.
But it was actually deleting files and then renaming them to .chk and a number.

I bought a 5tb drive to recover the 2tb to.
so far i run 4 recovery apps.
FileScavenger was the quickest 1day. recovered 2.2tb of data?.. some where called UNKNOWN..
hence duplicates of data.
Recuvva was used 3rd.. and compared against FS. 50gb difference.. havent looked through the files yet.. mostly videos, corrupt.. some are the same as in FS folders, bytes added to the end i assume.. where the cluster was fully recovered aka excess bytes.. so SHA1 checking dont work.

Currently using R-Studio recovery.. beinging told 2days 18hrs.. and its been running 20hrs so far. and I choose Jpgs gifs, png and videos to recover in RAW

To the one talking of 1st and 2nd drive.. LMAO.. i have a lot of drives..
1 x 1tb
2 x 1.5tb
4 x 2tb
2 x 3tb
and now 1 x 5tb
not including the flashdrives i have aswell 6x32gb and 1x64gb.
the 1tb is my main drive.. it has 2 partitions. not the drive thats being recovered
100gb for my OS < windows 7.
the rest is for files.
its backed up onto 1 of the 1.5tb drive.. 4 images..
note 2: NONE of the drives are damaged or failing. they are all working perfectly..
it was a power issue that caused this.
it also doesnt help that the internal drive is being recovered via usb2. the drive is usb3 but i dont have a usb3 port.

names of apps i've tried.
00disk recovery.. crashed..after days of running.
File Scavenger old and small and did the job quickly less than 1 day.
Easy Recovery
R-studio <currently running.
Recuvva also used.. difference of 50gb.. mainly due to SHA1 not working due to same files but different filesize due to the recovery process.

THISISQ is the drive i'm recovering from.
see picture.

silverstars oh the irony..
thisisq were where mine where.. i also have sets on other drives. if you can remember the model or sets you lost i can upload all mine..
I'm sure i have a few TB's of uncorrupted sets from most of them..
Alice, Sarah, Nika, Bella, eva, val.. etc

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